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Rosi Orozco

Activist Comisión Unidos Vs. Trata


Mexico 1


Technique on catering and touristic enterprises administration


Mexico City


Spanish, English , French


Rosi Orozco is fighting perhaps one of the darkest forces on earth: human trafficking and sex slavery. As President of the Comisión Unidos Contra la Trata, she is striving to stop and prevent trafficking in all forms. She reveals how a strong spiritual life is a big part of such intense work, and the reason why she does it all in the first place is because she grew up in a loving family with plenty of opportunities. And now it’s her turn to give back. “If you have the ability to love others, you must share that with the world. Give it back without expecting anything in return.”

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I value love more than economic resources, and I love these girls as daughters.

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